Citizen Advisory Boards & Commissions
Citizens from throughout our County volunteer to serve on committees, commissions, and boards as an important part of delivering
local government services. The role of the citizen varies by the type of appointment and can include final decisions or
recommendations to be considered by others. Citizen involvement is an important element of local governance within Becker County.
Individual Board members may choose to nominate citizens, however, all appointments are made by the Board of Commissioners as a
group. Generally, the qualifications for appointment are legal voting age and a commitment to serve. In some cases the law or
agreement establishing the group define additional requirements. The Board of Commissioners support diversity in their appointments
including age, sex, national origin, and geographic distribution.
The Becker County Commissioners would like to thank those that serve and invite our citizens to become involved and participate.
Those interested in volunteering their service on an advisory board are asked to contact the County Administrator's Office at
218-846-7201. If
there are vacanct appointments on any of the Boards/Committees, they will be notated below.
Economic Development Authority Board
Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance Advisory Committee