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Veterans Service
Matt Erickson - Veterans Service Officer
Veterans Service News...
The National Resource Directory (NRD) is a database of validated resources that supports recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration for service members, veterans, family members, and caregivers. Find out more at
The Becker County Veterans Service office is now publishing a 'Veterans News' newsletter to help highlight events, news, and announcements for our local Veterans. The latest version is available here at Volume 4 Issue 2 (PDF).
* Office Closure Notice *
The Veterans Service Office will be closed February 11-12, 2025.
Please direct any inquiries to, leave a message at 218-846-7312, or schedule and appointment with Peggy in the County Administration office. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Matt Erickson
Mission: To serve Becker County Veterans and their families
with dignity and compassion and to be their principal advocate in ensuring that they receive medical, educational and financial
benefits, social support and lasting memorials. As advocates for veterans and their families, we are committed to providing
the very best services with an attitude of caring, courtesy and respect.
Vision: To promote the well-being of veterans and their families through assistance in obtaining medical care,
benefits and social support.
Becker County Veterans Services assists in claims processing for veterans' benefits to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Veterans and their dependents may be entitled to benefits and services through both federal and state programs:
Our office also works with the Veterans Service Offices
of other Minnesota counties. If you have recently moved to Becker County from another county in Minnesota, or if you are planning
to move to another Minnesota county, please contact us and we will arrange to have your records moved to ensure a smooth
transition of service.