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Noxious Weed Information
Expand the panels below for more information pertaining to noxious weeds in Becker County.
- Complete their life cycle in a growing season
- Spread by seed
- Complete their life cycle in two growing seasons
- Reproduce by seed (rosette form first year, flower and seed production during second year of life cycle)
- Live three or more years
- Reproduce by seed, underground root structures, and/or plant cuttings
Developed by the Minnesota Noxious Weed Advisory Committee & MDA
- Prohibited Noxious Weeds are annual, biennial, or perennial plants that the commissioner designates as having
the potential or are known to be detrimental to human or animal health, the environment, public roads, crops,
livestock or other property. There are two regulatory listings for prohibited noxious weeds in Minnesota:
- Eradicate List - Prohibited noxious weeds that are listed to be eradicated are plants
that are not currently known to be present in Minnesota or are not widely established. These species must
be eradicated, meaning all of the above and below ground parts of the plant must be destroyed, as required
by Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.78. Additionally, no movement, propagation, or sale of these plants is
allowed. Measures must also be taken to prevent and exclude these species from being introduced into
- Controlled List - Prohibited noxious weeds that are listed to be controlled are plants
that are established throughout Minnesota or regions of the state. Species on this list must be controlled,
meaning efforts must be made to destroy all propagating parts and prevent seed maturation and dispersal,
thereby reducing established populations and preventing reproduction and spread as required by Minnesota
Statutes, Section 18.78. Additionally, no movement, propagation, or sale of these plants is allowed.
- Restricted Noxious Weeds - Restricted Noxious Weeds are plants that are widely distributed
in Minnesota and are detrimental to human or animal health, the environment, public roads, crops, livestock or
other property, but whose only feasible means of control is to prevent their spread by prohibiting the
importation, sale, and transportation of their propagating parts in the state except as allowed by Minnesota
Statutes, Section 18.82. Plants designated as Restricted Noxious Weeds may be reclassified if effective means
of control are developed.
- Specially Regulated Plants - Specially Regulated Plants are plants that may be native species
or have demonstrated economic value, but also have the potential to cause harm in non-controlled environments.
Plants designated as specially regulated have been determined to pose ecological, economical, or human or animal
health concerns. Plant specific management plans and or rules that define the use and management requirements
for these plants will be developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for each plant designated as
specially regulated. Measures must also be taken to minimize the potential for harm caused by these plants.
- County Noxious Weeds - County noxious Weeds are plants that are approved by individual
county boards to be prohibited within the counties jurisdiction. Each county must annually submit their approved
County Noxious Weed List to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture no later than March 31st. The Minnesota
Department of agriculture will post the most current County Noxious Weeds on their web site for public review.
County noxious Weeds shall also be posted with the county's general weed notice prior to May 15th each year.
Counties are solely responsible for approval and listing of County Noxious Weeds and their enforcement.
Noxious Weeds in Becker County
Prohibited noxious weeds must be eradicated or controlled as required in Minnesota statutes.
Eradicate List:
- Meadow Knapweed Centaurea x moncktonii
- Poison Hemlock Conium maculatum
- Palmer Amaranth Ameranthus palmeri
3 State Restricted Noxious Weeds
Restricted noxious weeds are prohibited from importation, sale, and transportation in the state except as provided
by Minnesota Statutes.
- Common/European Buckthorn (PDF) Rhamnus cathartica (L.)
- Glossy Buckthorn (& all cultivars) (PDF) Frangula alnus Mill.
- Multiflora Rose Rosa multiflora Thunb.
1 State Specially Regulated Plant
- Poison Ivy Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze
1 State Non-Regulated Species of Concern
- Wild Carrot Daucus carota
5 County Prohibited Noxious Weeds
- Absinthe Wormwood (PDF) Artemesia absinthium
- Hoary Alyssum (PDF) Berteroa incana
- Houndstongue (PDF) Cynoglossom officinale L.
- Orange Hawkweed Hieracium aurantiacum
- Yellow Hawkweed Hieracium caespitosum
- Be persistent; think long-term - No quick fix for weed problems
- Manage small infestations immediately - Small weed populations can be managed quickly and efficiently.
- Contain large weed infestations - Large weed populations take many years to manage, avoid the spread of existing infestations.
- Education of the public is important - Inform landowners on key weed problems and how to identify important weeds.
- Use an IPM approach when possible - Integrated Pest Management techniques used together, have shown greater results than using one weed management technique alone.
- Pre-emergent Herbicides - Used in early spring mostly in agricultural crops
- Spring and Fall Tillage - Successfully controls many weeds in agricultural fields
- Spring and Fall Burning - Enhances the growth and development of desirable plants for increased plant competition in natural areas and rights-of-ways
- Biological Control - Works well on large established stands of leafy spurge, purple loosestrife, spotted knapweed, and garlic mustard
- Contact Herbicides - Most effective when used to treat emerging seedlings, rosettes, and perennial plants in the early spring and fall
- Pre-seed mowing - Reduces flower and seed production of many weed species; can also be a major factor of weed seed spread if performed after seed development
- Woody Perennial Treatment - Cutting and/or pulling of woody species like buckthorns can be effective if cuttings are followed with stump treatments and spot-spraying of emerging seedlings
Windows of Opportunity for Weed Management Practices