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Becker SWCD Supervisor Elections
For the purpose of election of SWCD supervisors Becker County is divided into 5 nominating districts
(see map). Any person filing for the district supervisor position must
reside in the election district they are filing for. Terms of office are for 4 years.
How to file for the office of Becker Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor:
Contact the Becker SWCD office or county auditor-treasurer office to see which nomination districts are up for
election. SWCD supervisors represent the county at-large but are nominated from specific nominating districts and
must reside in that nominating district.
To be eligible to file for the office of Becker SWCD supervisor, you must be an eligible voter residing in the
nomination district for which the vacancy exists.
The filing deadline for Becker SWCD supervisor is the same date as for other local offices. Filing opens 70 days
prior to the state primary election and closes 56 days prior to the state primary election. All candidates have to
file within this two-week time period to have their names appear on the ballot. Supervisors do not run in primary
elections. They are elected at the general election.
"Minnesota Affidavit of Candidacy." Copies of this carbonless, four-copy form are available from the county
auditor-treasurer. Upon completion, the form must be notarized.
Make out a check for the $20 filing fee to "County of Becker," OR you may file a nominating petition with the
signatures of either 500 voters or five percent of the voters who voted for SWCD supervisor in the preceding
election, whichever is less.
The above materials must be filed with the county auditor in the county in which the election is to be held.
To ensure meeting the deadline, you are encouraged to hand deliver filing materials. Don't wait until the last
Once placed on the ballot from a nomination district, the election is conducted at-large over the entire Becker SWCD.
The terms of office for the Becker SWCD supervisors are for four years commencing on the first Monday in January.