Becker County Ag Inspector

County Ag Inspector
County Agriculture Inspector is Brandon Gill

2009 Minnesota Weed Law Statutes

18.75 Purpose
It is the policy of the legislature that residents of the state be protected from injurious effects of noxious weed on public health, the environment, public roads, crops, livestock, and other property.

Each County Board of Commissioners is required in Minnesota Statute 18.80 to appoint one or more County Agricultural Inspector to provide regulation of seeds, noxious weeds, screenings, and to assist in the regulation of pesticides, fertilizers, feeds and insect pests. The regulatory effort by this position provides protective and educational service to the public and regulated industries with the end result of protecting the public health, the environment, and the consumer. These regulatory responsibilities are assigned to the County Agricultural Inspector position by Minnesota Statue 18.81.

Duties of the County Ag. Inspector:

  1. Provide leadership and supervision in the enforcement of the noxious weed law.
  2. Responsible for seeing that the noxious weed law is carried out.
  3. To participate in the control programs for invasive plant species, feed, fertilizer, pesticide and plant and insect pests when requested, in writing to do so by the commissioner.
  4. Primary technical support for local weed inspectors in the areas of enforcement procedures and public relations.
  5. Administers the Minnesota Seed Law and Rules in an effective and uniform manner.
  6. Participate in other agricultural programs under the control of the commissioner when requested to do so, subject to veto by the county board.
  7. To plan, conduct and attend meetings deemed necessary by the Commissioner of Agriculture for the education and discussion of noxious weed and seed law enforcement.
  8. To submit reports and attend meetings that the commissioner requires.
  9. To publish a general weed notice of the legal duty to control noxious weeds in one or more legal newspapers of general circulation throughout the county.