Inmate Information


When sending mail, send it to the individual in care of the facility:

Becker County Jail
(Inmate's Name)
PO Box 702
Detroit Lakes, MN 56502

The Becker County Jail does not accept stamps, envelopes, paper, books, magazines or packages of any kind to be brought in from the outside for an inmate. As always, inmates will be able to purchase them on canteen through TurnKey. Should any of these items be sent or brought in, they will be refused.

All incoming mail for inmates must be processed and delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. This includes any correspondence/bills, photos and drawings. Exclusions are legal and in-house agency mail.

Mail will be delivered at 15:00.

There is no limit on the volume of lawful letters an inmate may receive. Unlawful mail, however, will be placed in the inmate's locker. This includes, but is not limited to, mail that which is libelous, obscene or contains contraband. Drawings on the envelopes are not allowed.

All incoming non-legal mail will be opened by Jail staff and inspected for contraband and money. Money will be placed in the inmate's account.

Incoming legal mail may be opened and inspected in front of the receiving inmate but will not be read or censored.

Mail addressed to an inmate who has been transferred or released shall be forwarded to the address provided by the inmate or returned to sender.

PHOTOGRAPHS: Must be standard size. Polaroids and oversized photos are not allowed and will be placed into the inmate's property. If an inmate receives an excessive amount of photos during their incarceration, the inmate may choose which ones to keep and the excess will be placed into the inmate's property and must remain there until the inmate's release.

MONEY: When sending money to an inmate, a cashier's check or money order is allowed. Do not send cash in the mail and personal checks are not accepted. You may also leave cash for an inmate in the TurnKey kiosk in the Jail's lobby or at the Inmate Canteen website and follow the prompts.

Note: A portion of the money dropped off for an inmate will be used for any fees that the inmate owes prior to being available for Commissary items and phone cards.


Inmates are allowed general phone access from the hours of 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM. No social incoming calls or messages to inmates will be accepted. There is voice mail set up within the phone system for inmates to use and check messages. Messages may be left for them at this number:

Becker County Jail

Dial 9, wait for second dial tone. Dial 0 plus area code & number. After instructed to say your name, speak your name clearly into the telephone.

Inmates may purchase $5.00 phone cards from the TurnKey kiosk in their housing unit. Phone cards may also be purchased by family & friends by going on-line to Reliance Telephone.

For questions regarding costs, bills, telephone number blocks or inability to receive calls, call Reliance Phone Company at 800-896-3201.


Becker County Jail now offers a choice for those wishing to stay in touch with their loved ones, either on-site at the jail via a computer kiosk or with at home online visitation. Online visitation is a convenient means for friends and family members to visit their loved ones in the Becker County Jail from the comfort of their home instead of on-site. Note the visitation times at the bottom of the page.

Non-contact visits with family and friends are a privilege. All visitors must have a valid state picture ID and show it when checking in to visit. No exceptions.

Only pre-approved adults, and children accompanied by a pre-approved adult, may visit with a limit of three adult visitors per inmate. Inmates may change their visitor's list on the 1st Monday of each month they are incarcerated.

Only one adult will be allowed to visit an inmate per single visit; additional visitors must register and visit separately.

Minor children must be accompanied by one of the listed visitors and are only allowed to visit if they are children of the inmate. The juvenile visitors will not be listed as one of the three allowed names on the inmate's visitor list; however, they do need to be listed as approved visitors for verification purposes. Due to limited space in visiting and safety concerns, only one minor child will be allowed per visit. The Jail has the right to ask for verification of relationship.

Inmates assigned to disciplinary segregation are not eligible for social visits. If visiting privileges are lost, it is not the jail's responsibility to notify the person scheduled to visit.

The inmate has the right to refuse any visit.

Ordained clergy, with current credentials, will not have to be on an inmate's visiting list, but will adhere to the regular visitation schedule.

Visitors must remain seated on the chair that is provided in the visiting kiosk, or if a minor visitor is present, all must stay at the kiosk. If anyone is seen wandering the visiting room, the visit will be terminated.

All social visits shall be a maximum duration of 20 minutes, unless the number of persons attempting to visit exceeds the facility's ability to meet this requirement, or the inmate's (or visitors) behavior dictates a need to terminate a visit earlier. Please note that any visit, on site or on-line, must be started prior to the last 15 minutes of any visiting session or be declined the visit. No exceptions!

Rules of appropriate conduct apply to visitors as well as inmates during visits.

Visitors are not allowed to bring tobacco, cell phones, purses, packages, food or beverages into the jail building. Anyone caught using a cell phone or attempting to smuggle tobacco or other prohibited materials into the jail during visiting will be asked to leave and will be banned from visiting for a period of six months for the first offense. A second offense will result in a lifetime ban from visiting at the Becker County Jail.

Persons having a warrant whether extraditable or not, will NOT be allowed to visit an inmate.

Any person who is named in an Order for Protection or any Harassment Order concerning an inmate, either as a Petitioner or a Respondent, will not be allowed to visit that inmate.


All visitors at the Becker County Jail must wear proper attire at all times! This includes any visiting session, online or onsite.

Corrections Officers have the right to deny visits based on inappropriate attire.

No cut-off shorts - shorts must cover to mid-thigh. No tube tops, bikini tops, tank tops or bustiers! Shirts will be worn – covering the neck and chest area. Shirts must have sleeves – long or short & shoulders must be covered.

During visits, visitors are to remain fully clothed at all times!

The Becker County Jail reserves the right to deny admittance or terminate a visit to any individual at any time due to being under the influence, inappropriate language, behavior, noise level, dress attire or a visit which may pose a threat to the safety and security of this facility.

Becker County Jail reserves the right to cancel visiting during heavy volume times throughout the year.

On-site Jail Visiting Schedule
Days Times
Tuesday 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Wed a.m. visits are by appointment only. NO walk ins.
9:00am - 11:00am
Saturday 9:30am - 12:30pm
Online Jail Visiting Schedule
Days Times
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 10:30am - 12:30pm
Mon, Thurs, Sat, Sun 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Professional visitors are not restricted to the social visiting schedule; and may include but are not limited to Probation/Parole Officers, Agents from the Division of Family Services, Law Enforcement Personnel, and Mental Health Professionals. All professional visitors must have approved agency identification. Inmates may receive professional visits in addition to social visits unless one or more of those individuals are also family members, or friends. Attorney visits are allowed (seven) days a week during the hours of 07:00AM to 11:00AM, 1:00PM to 4:00PM and 6:00PM to 10:00PM. Exceptions will be made with prior approval.

Inmate Release Times: Becker county Jail Inmates being released to the street will be released at the specific times below. Transports to and for other agencies will continue as before.

List of times inmates are released to the street.


The commissary is a privilege which contains food items, hygiene products, and writing materials. Indigents are allowed basic hygiene and outside contact materials, which are debited to their account should they receive funds.

Becker County Jail will now be using TurnKey for any inmate money transactions.

Orders will be processed on Wednesdays and Fridays. Canteen will be delivered on Thursdays and Mondays.


Inmates are not allowed to wear any jewelry (including watches) while incarcerated except a wedding band. Clothing being dropped off for inmate must have prior administrative approval. The best rule is to not bring anything to the jail. Inmate property left behind or to be picked up must be done within 30 days. After that, it will be disposed of.


Philosophy: The basic philosophy of the Becker County Jail Program Coordinator is to develop and schedule programs and services that benefit both inmates and jail staff.

The programs and services are run by volunteers or program staff. Volunteers provide an important service and fill a tremendous void for incarcerated inmates. Volunteers often provide a level of commitment and dedication that is insurmountable. It is also hoped that the available program options will provide support and guidance to those inmates possessing a sincere desire to make a change in their lives.

It is a goal of this office to add to the safety and security of the Becker County Jail and to the community.

Volunteers are recruited from community organizations, schools, churches and civic groups throughout the local area.

The Becker county Jail offers a variety of diverse programs and services developed to promote and reinforce positive lifestyle changes. Participation in programs and services offered by the Division of Corrections is voluntary; however, inmates are encouraged to actively participate.

For additional information on the Inmate Programs and Services or to become an approved volunteer program facilitator, please contact the Jail Program Coordinator at 218-847-2939 #6.