Huber/Work Release & Sentencing to Service (STS)

These programs are court authorized at the time of sentencing; however, the individual must have their Huber/STS status approved by program staff according to jail policy. While in jail, individuals are allowed to have Huber or STS, not both. STS & Work Release is a privilege, not a right.

Anyone expecting to have HUBER privileges during their jail sentence must contact the Jail a minimum of one week prior to their incarceration for prior approval (see also HUBER requirements) to better ensure they are able to get out for their employment without delay.

All inmates booked into the Becker County Jail will receive a medical assessment. This includes those allowed to have HUBER or STS privileges. Before being allowed HUBER or STS, individuals must be medically cleared. If the individual is not cleared, they will not be allowed to do any HUBER or STS until the issue is remedied. To ensure a better chance of being able to be medically cleared for your next workday, the best times to report to jail are Mondays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays by 6:00 pm; or before 1:00 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays. All sentenced individuals reporting to do their jail commitment are fiscally responsible for their medical needs and are required to bring their medical insurance card with them.

Huber/Work Release

This program gives sentenced individuals the opportunity to maintain their current employment or obtain employment (according to jail policy) while incarcerated. The inmates will adhere to the jail's program policies and pay the county a set fee per day to have that privilege. Individuals with holds from other counties do not receive Huber privileges.

To set up jail time, please call the Jail Programs Office a minimum of one week in advance of reporting to Jail. (218) 847-2939 #6. All employment will be verified according to Jail policy and approved by program staff.

When you report to Becker County Jail, bring your court commitment paperwork, your current work schedule from your employer on company letterhead, showing a minimum of a 2-week schedule and pay stubs showing a minimum of 2 pay periods, or one month. You will only be allowed to work your regular hours.

If you have Huber status, and are gainfully employed, you will need to bring $135.00 cash at the time you check in; with $120.00 being a deposit and $15.00 for a Urinalysis (U.A.) fee. In addition, Huber fees are $20.00 per day. The $120.00 deposit will be returned to you at your release date or it can be applied toward your final Huber payment. In addition, you may also bring money to buy phone cards, rent a texter, purchase commissary to buy toiletries, writing materials, or snack items.

Employment that will require individuals to be on GPS monitoring while serving their Jail sentence – Individual works outside Becker County, Individual works beyond a radius of 40 miles, Individual is a PCA, Self-employed or employment that requires multiple site locations such as construction or delivery driver.

In addition to the above Huber fees, being on GPS, will require a second $90.00 deposit plus $15.00 per day (And a minimum payment of $75.00 per week or according to the monitoring company) while out on Huber. Like the Huber deposit, your GPS deposit will be returned to you at your release or applied toward final GPS fees.

Huber fees are collected each week on Monday for the week prior and/or the evening before your release (whichever occurs first). GPS fees are collected weekly and/or the day prior to release, whichever occurs first. All fees are collected out of your inmate account through TurnKey. It is your responsibility to ensure funds are in your inmate account prior to collection dates. You will need adequate funds in your inmate account for when these payments are due and remain current in your payments to retain Huber status. Otherwise, your Huber status will be revoked until payment is received in full.

Full boarding must be fully approved a minimum of one week before your reporting date. Full boarding fees are $55.00 per day and collected every Saturday. A deposit of $385.00 is required at the time of checking in. The $385.00 deposit will be returned to you at your release date or it can be applied toward your final payment. Currently, Becker County Jail is not accepting boarders.

After being booked in, program staff will verify your job information. Inmates granted Huber are allowed one (1) full time job or two (2*) part time jobs not to exceed daily and hourly limits. (* with prior approval of the program staff). Once this is accomplished, you must take, and pass, a Urinalysis (U.A.) test. If the Urinalysis is a 'fail', you must wait 5 days before retesting. Currently, each U.A. is $15.00. Once a negative result is achieved on the Urinalysis and you will be given the Huber Policy and U.A. Policy to read and signed off on. You are entitled to a copy of these rules as you will be held accountable for them. Not following these rules will result in violation of the program with possible termination of Huber Status and privileges.

You will not be allowed to work longer days or more workdays than you usually do, in order to spend more time away from the Jail. The normal work week consists of a 40-hour week. However, Huber-approved inmates with verified employment may be allowed out of the jail for work a maximum of 60 hours per week, a maximum of 6 (six) days consecutively with a daily maximum of 12 hours which will include travel time. Any deviations from your approved schedule must have prior approval by the jail program staff. If your job requires you to work more than 60 hours per week, (including travel time) you must provide documentation verifying your need to work longer hours than what jail policy states to the courts and have it approved by the judge at your sentencing.

If you are driving, you must be a valid, licensed driver driving a valid, licensed vehicle. To verify this, you must provide the jail with a copy of your driver's license, license plate number, vehicle make/model & insurance for the vehicle driven at the time you report to jail. If you are not a valid driver, you are not using public transportation, and your employment is not within a 'walkable' distance, you must provide the jail with a copy of the driver's license, license plate number, and vehicle make/model & insurance for each person you will be receiving a ride from, verifying the individual(s) as a valid driver. This information must be supplied and verified prior to Huber release. You will park your vehicle in the Jail’s parking lot; to the parking area, south of the building. You are only allowed to travel directly to and from your work to the jail, unless it is to get gas or go to the bank. Then you may do so with prior permission.

No jewelry is allowed to be worn while in the jail other than a wedding ring and a medical alert bracelet. This includes but is not limited to earrings, body piercing jewelry, other rings, necklaces, watches, etc.

The Becker County Jail does not encourage having cell phones when reporting in to serve jail time. Cell phones are not allowed inside the Jail Facility. Individuals will place phone in a secured locker separate from their property in the Minimum-security entrance. No individual is allowed to access social media at any time during their jail sentence; inmates will be able to rent a texter or buy phone cards for regular phone calls. More details will be provided upon reporting.

Have enough clothing for your job. If you are here longer than a week, and you either have your vehicle or having someone else as your transportation, you may have clothes left in the vehicle and changed out for clean ones. If you want the Jail to wash them, bring at least 3 sets of clothing. The jail will wash them, but there is no guarantee that they will not be lost or damaged.

If you are on any medication, prescription or over the counter, it must be in its original form from the pharmacy. We are not able to accept it in any other way. It must also be a current prescription with the correct number of doses present for the date dispensed from the pharmacy. Also, understand that there are medications that have been known to cause a false positive on a Urinalysis. If you take any medication other than ibuprofen or acetaminophen, you may want to consult with your physician or pharmacist prior to serving your sentence, because a false positive test will have to be sent in, at your expense, and you will not be able to go out for Work Release until you have a negative test. Any over the counter medications must be unopened and prior approved. All sentenced inmates are fiscally responsible for their medication and medical appointments. Do not make any appointments during the time you are serving your sentence that can wait until you are released – any appointment must be cleared through the Jail's medical staff. Any out of state appointments must also have prior approval by program staff and you must sign a waiver of extradition.

If you have any counseling to attend due to a court ordered assessment, you will bring with you the information from the counselor on official letterhead regarding dates, times, location, phone number and the name of your counselor. You will be given a pass from the programs and be responsible to present the pass to be signed by the counselor, and then to return it to the Jail Program Coordinator. You will be required to use a pass whenever you leave the jail except for your employment.

STS (Sentencing to Service)

Sentenced STS:

STS, a privilege, is a court authorized program which utilizes sentenced, minimum security inmates to work in a supervised crew to provide services throughout the county and in its jails. At sentencing, the individual receives a set amount of hours they need to work either as STS or Community Service Work (CSW) that is applied directly to any fines they have on their file(s). If they choose to have the privilege of working off their fine doing STS while in jail, the individual needs to request this at the time of sentencing.

A fee is charged to all agencies requesting assistance from the STS program. Once an individual's fine is paid, if approved, they may be allowed to continue to work on STS to earn jail credit; that is, time off their sentence. The rate is 16 hours for 1 day and is dependent on jail policy as well.

Once approved for STS, individuals must take – and pass, a Urinalysis (U.A.) test. If the Urinalysis is a 'fail', the individual must wait 5 days before retesting. Once a negative result is achieved on the Urinalysis and additional paperwork is completed, they will be cleared for STS status. Each U.A. is $15.00 at this time.

Individuals must sign up for STS with the Programs Coordinator and be approved according to jail policy.

In-house STS:

In-House STS, is also a privilege, and is a court authorized program which unsentenced minimum or medium inmates, or those that are sentenced with restrictions, work off their fines from past, present and potential fines for current charges, or to work as a volunteer.

The criterion is more restrictive than Sentenced STS and is according to jail policy. Individuals must also have entered into a plea agreement or have been convicted and awaiting sentencing to be considered to work for fines.

The opportunity to work off these fines is dependent on how many inmates are jail approved for In-House Sentenced STS and jobs available. Unsentenced individuals are not allowed to work for jail credit. Any cumulative hours before sentencing are considered as volunteere and individuals must ask the judge for permission to work for jail credit at the time of sentencing.

Inmates must sign up for In-House STS and be approved according to jail policy.

In-House STS, is also a privilege, and is a court authorized program which unsentenced minimum or medium inmates or those that are sentenced with restrictions in the Maximum & Minimum Security Jails to work off their fines from past, present and potential fines for current charges; or to work as a volunteer.

The criterion is more restrictive than Sentenced STS and is according to jail policy. Individuals must also have entered into a plea agreement or have been convicted and awaiting sentencing to be considered to work for fines.

The opportunity to work off these fines is dependent on how many inmates are jail approved for In-House Sentenced STS and jobs available. Unsentenced individuals are not allowed to work for jail credit. Any cumulative hours before sentencing are considered as volunteered; and individuals must ask the judge for permission to work for jail credit at the time of sentencing.

Inmates must sign up for In-House STS and be approved according to jail policy.

Any additional questions may be addressed to the Becker County Jail Facility at 218-847-2939 #6.

*Keep in mind that these are just broad guidelines of the Becker County Jail Huber & STS Programs and that more information will be available at the time of checking in at the facility.