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Passport Information
* Important Notice *
Passport services are available by appointment only.
Please call the Recorder's Office at 218-846-7304 to schedule an appointment.
For up-to-date passport processing times, please visit
To apply for a United States Passport you will need to present the following:
- Completed passport application form (you must sign in person under oath) – obtain from the County Recorder's Office or from the
Passport Agency's website;
and download the "Application for a U.S. Passport" form.
- A certified Birth Record from the county or state level (not a hospital certificate).
- A passport photograph that meets passport requirements (photographs can be taken here for $15.00 per applicant).
- Valid photo identification:
- Minors under 16: must appear with all parents listed on birth record and parents must present valid photo identification. If one
parent cannot appear with a minor 15 and under to sign, you will need to bring a signed and notarized "Statement of Consent - Issuance
of a Passport to a Minor Under Age 16" form from that parent and a copy of the front & back of the absent parent's valid photo
identification. The form can be found at the Passport Agency's website.
- Minors ages 16 & 17: if they have a valid driver's license, they may appear without a parent, but should have a parent's
check to show consent. If a minor 16 or 17 years old has no driver's license, one parent must appear with the minor.
- Fees:
Passport Book
- Adult (16 & over):
- $130.00 check or money order to the U.S. Department of State
- Under 16:
- $100.00 check or money order to the U.S. Department of State
Passport Card
- Adult (16 & over):
- $30.00 check or money order to the U.S. Department of State
- Under 16:
- $15.00 check or money order to the U.S. Department of State
Passport Book & Card at the same time
- Adult (16 & over):
- $160.00 check or money order to the U.S. Department of State
- Under 16:
- $115.00 check or money order to the U.S. Department of State
All applicants are charged a $35.00 application fee payable to the Becker County Recorder. This fee can be paid by cash,
check, money order, or card (2.5% convenience fee applies to card payments).
You may expedite the passport application by paying a $60.00 expedite fee per passport. The fee is in addition to the cost of the
passport book/card. Express mail fees are also an option.
Visit the US Dept of State travel website for processing times.
If you have a passport that you would like to renew, please call our office at (218) 846-7304
for additional instructions or visit the US Dept of State travel website.