Real Estate Recording Systems: Document Standards

Minnesota Statutes 507.093

a) The following standards are imposed on documents to be recorded with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles:

  1. The document shall consist of one or more individual sheets measuring no larger than 8.5 inches by 14 inches.
  2. The form of the document shall be printed, typewritten, or computer generated in black ink and the form of the document shall not be smaller than 8-point type.
  3. The document shall be on white paper of not less than 20-pound weight with no background color or images and, except for the first page, shall have a border of at least one-half inch on the top, bottom and each side.
  4. The first page of the document shall contain a blank space at the top measuring three inches, as measured from the top of the page, and a border of one-half inch on each side and the bottom. The right half of the blank space shall be reserved for recording information and the left half shall be reserved for tax certification. Any person may attach an administrative page before the first page of the document to accommodate this standard. The administrative page may contain the document title, document date, and, if applicable, the grantor and grantee, and shall be deemed part of the document when recorded.
  5. The title of the document shall be prominently displayed at the top of the first page below the blank space referred to in clause (4) or on the administrative page.
  6. No additional sheet shall be attached or affixed to a page that covers up any information or printed part of the form.
  7. A document presented for recording must be sufficiently legible to reproduce a readable copy using the County Recorder's or Registrar of Title's current method of reproduction.

Minnesota Statutes 508.82

Subdivision 2 - Variance from standards. A document should conform to the standards in section 507.093, paragraph (a), but should not be rejected unless the document is not legible or cannot be archived. This subdivision applies only to documents dated after July 31, 1997, and does not apply to Minnesota uniform conveyancing blanks on file in the office of the commissioner of commerce provided for under section 507.09, certified copies, or any other form provided for under Minnesota Statutes. Effective July 1, 2005.

Minnesota Statutes 357.182 Sub 2. County fee restrictions

Notwithstanding any local law or ordinance to the contrary, no county may charge or collect any fee, special or otherwise, or however described, other than a fee denominated or prescribed by state law, for any service, task, or step performed by any county officer or employee in connection with the receipt, recording, and return of any recordable instrument by the county recorder or registrar of titles, whether received by mail, in person, or be electronic delivery, including, but not limited to, opening mail; handling, transferring, or transporting the instrument; certifying no delinquent property taxes; payment of state deed tax, mortgage registry tax, or conservation fee; recording of approved plats, subdivision splits, or combinations; or any other prerequisites to recording, and returning the instrument by regular mail or in person to the person identified in the instrument for that purpose.

See Sub. 3 for timely recording requirements.