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Services for the Disabled
for the Disabled support individuals who are under age 65 and require the level of care offered in a nursing facility or institutional setting. These
programs offer services and support that promote independence and safety to those that are chronically ill or medically fragile while delaying or
preventing a transition to a nursing facility or institutional care.
For more information about Programs for the Disabled, contact Becker County Human Services at 218-847-5628 or
visit the following links:
Brain Injury (BI) Waiver (PDF)For children or adults diagnosed with a brain injury that requires the level of care provided in a specialized nursing home or neurobehavioral hospital.
A MnCHOICES assessment will need to be completed in order to determine eligibility for Programs for the Disabled. If you are interested in having an assessment
completed for yourself or a loved one, contact: Becker County Human Services at 218-847-5628 and ask for Adult Services Intake.
For more information about the MnCHOICES assessment, see: