
Becker County is a 4 season recreation destination. Whether you're looking to beat the summer heat tubing down the Otter-Tail river or looking to enjoy family time while sledding down our hills in the winter, check us out; we're open year round!

River tubing services are privately operated. We recommend you contact the businesses listed for more information on times and rates. Sledding hills are predominantly run through the various city parks and recreation departments or civic organizations.

For more details, see the links below...

  • River Tubing
    Contact Information:
    Charlie's Ottertail Tubing
    33503 State Hwy 34
    Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
    Phone: 218-847-3258
    Contact Information:
    K & K Tubing
    33551 State Hwy 34
    Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
    Phone: 218-847-5734
  • Sledding Hills
    Contact Information:
    Detroit Lakes City Park
    Detroit Lakes Public Works Dept
    507 Front St E
    Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
    Phone: 218-847-4637
    Email: bgreen@lakesnet.net
    Contact Information:
    Frazee Riverside Park
    Frazee City Administration
    222 Main Ave
    Frazee, MN 56544
    Phone: 218-334-4991
    Email: clerk@frazeecity.com
    Contact Information:
    Wolf Lake Recreation Area
    City of Wolf Lake
    141 Johnson St W
    Wolf Lake, MN 56593
    Phone: 218-538-6528