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If your idea of recreation requires horsepower; REAL horsepower, then saddle up and check out the many forest roads
and trails waiting for you. You'll find nearly unlimited possibilities for day trips into the more remote reaches of
the area.
The numerous forest roads and trails scattered throughout Becker County are maintained to varying degrees and by multiple
public and private agencies.
For more details, see the links below...
The 3 miles of trails at Mountain View Recreation Area wind their way through a mature, mixed hardwood forest. The
trails are wide enough for side-by-side riding and offer several different loop options. Be aware that these trails
are used for hiking as well as equestrian riding in the summer months and cross-country skiing in the winter. Separate
single-track mountain bike/snowshoe trails are also being developed within the recreation area as well and will cross
the hiking/equestrian/x-c skiing trails at various locations. Please do not ride horses on the trails after they have
been groomed for cross-country skiing; usually beginning in early to mid-December. Horses are also not allowed on the
single-track trails. Parking for 10-15 vehicles is located along Tower Road.