Effective January 1, 2016, you are required to provide proof of insurance for tab renewals or title transfers on any motorized vehicle (no trailers).
Required information includes: Insurance company name, policy number, and policy expiration date.
If you have moved to Minnesota from out of state, you are given 60 days to register your vehicle with Minnesota.
Register your vehicle in Minnesota:
Loan on a vehicle (lien holder holding the title):
Leasing a vehicle that is registered out of state:
- Power of Attorney from leasing company.
- Out of state registration card.
- Application to Title and Register a Motor Vehicle (PS2000) (PDF) form (completed & signed).
- If the vehicle has a lien holder - full name and address of the lien holder and date the loan was secured.
- Insurance information - company name, policy number, expiration date.
Purchase of tabs for a vehicle not listed as owner (do not have a printed renewal notice from the State of Minnesota), please bring
a completed tab renewal authorization form (PDF).
The registered owner must complete and sign; giving permission to purchase the tabs on their vehicle (insurance information - company
name, policy number, and expiration date are also required).
To determine how much you have paid for vehicle registration for income tax purposes, visit the
MN Drive Info website.