We hope this information will assist you in determining your next steps in becoming a foster parent.
- If you reside with another adult who will be in a caregiving role, both of you will be considered applicants and shall be involved in
all aspects of the licensing processes.
- If you have questions please feel free to call Nicole LeDoux, Foster Care Licensor at
218-847-5628 ext. 5362 or
send an email.
Foster Family Requirements
Prospective foster parents may be married or single and must:
- Live in Becker County
- Be at least 21 years old, financially stable, and responsible adults
- Live in a home that meets fire-safety code and have appropriate sleeping space
- Complete and pass an Adam Walsh Background check on all household members who are 13 years or older
- Participate in a home-study that includes interviews with all household members
- Participate in six hours of foster care orientation
- Complete all necessary licensing paperwork
- Attend 12 hours of ongoing training annually to learn more about related issues
- Be free of chemical use problems for at least the past two years.
Types of Foster Care
Foster care services in Becker County come in several forms to address the specific needs of children and the foster parents
who care for them.
Family Foster Care
Treated as family members, these children and teens receive full-time, short- or long-term care.
Kinship Foster Care
Relatives, family friends, and those with a significant relationship may be licensed to provide
care to specific children in foster care.
Respite Care
Respite care provides a break for birth parents or foster parents from caring for children on a
scheduled basis.
Foster to Adopt
Foster parents assist and support reunification with the child's birth family while committing to
provide a permanent home for the child if the child cannot return to the parents or other appropriate family.
Foster Care Rules & Statutes
Below are the Rules and Statutes that are pertinent to each of the Licensing categories. We suggest that you visit the State
of Minnesota Revisor's website using the links below to review and/or print each section applicable to your program license.