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Human Services
Denise Warren - Human Services Director
Human Services News...
Becker County is seeking to identify qualified organizations to respond to the opioid crisis through opioid epidemic response strategies, including prevention, treatment, recovery, and harm reduction. The goal of this approach is to fund projects in Becker County that will have high impact for the communities impacted by the opioid crisis. RFP submittals are due by December 31, 2024. RFP Details (PDF). Request an RFP Application.
Documents can be emailed to Becker County Human Services at the following email address: Please make sure to have a working phone number listed on your paperwork. Documents may also be mailed to our agency, or dropped off in the drop box located beside the front door of our building - see our address in the 'Contact This Department' section of this page.
Applications for SNAP, CASH, Emergency Assistance, and Daycare Assistance can be done online directly at MNbenefits. You can also apply for healthcare at MNsure.
Becker County Human Services is looking for Volunteer Drivers to provide transports. Mileage reimbursement at the current rate. Applicants must have a reliable vehicle, valid driver's license and insurance and a cleared medical statement from their physician. If interested, please contact Shannon F. or Christy R. at 218-847-5628.

Denise Warren
Mission Statement:
The mission of Becker County Human Services is to promote safety, health and self-sufficiency by delivering comprehensive,
fiscally responsible services to individuals and families.
The Human Services Director is an appointed position. The agency offers two basic kinds of services:
- Financial Support - to promote self-sufficiency of the residents of Becker County through the programs and services we
administer and referrals to community resources.
- Social Services - subject to a sliding fee schedule.
MNsure Information:
- See a brief video with an Overview of the Affordable Care Act, which is a component of Minnesota's health reform efforts.
- Learn more about Health Reform in Minnesota.
- MNsure has an easy-to-use website where you can search and compare plans, a telephone hotline at 1-855-366-7873 where you can call
to talk with someone about your options, and places where you can sign up in your community.