Human Services

Denise Warren - Human Services Director

Human Services News...
Denise Warren
Denise Warren

Mission Statement:

The mission of Becker County Human Services is to promote safety, health and self-sufficiency by delivering comprehensive, fiscally responsible services to individuals and families.

The Human Services Director is an appointed position. The agency offers two basic kinds of services:

  1. Financial Support - to promote self-sufficiency of the residents of Becker County through the programs and services we administer and referrals to community resources.
  2. Social Services - subject to a sliding fee schedule.

MNsure Information:

  • See a brief video with an Overview of the Affordable Care Act, which is a component of Minnesota's health reform efforts.
  • Learn more about Health Reform in Minnesota.
  • MNsure has an easy-to-use website where you can search and compare plans, a telephone hotline at 1-855-366-7873 where you can call to talk with someone about your options, and places where you can sign up in your community.