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Family Child Care Program
Welcome to the world of child care.
Thank you for your interest in Family Child Care. Caring for children is a career which is both challenging and rewarding. A child
care provider may be the most important influence in the lives of children, after their parents.
When you provide child care you are required to be licensed unless you meet certain exemptions. If you meet those exemptions, you
do not need to become licensed. However, if you are providing care for any child and are hoping to be paid through the child care assistance
program, you must first become Legally Non-Licensed in order to receive payments. This is the case even when the child is a relative. The
child care providers who are exempt from licensing are those who are caring for related children, or relatives in addition to only children
from one family that is not related. "Related" means a spouse, a parent, a natural or adopted child or stepchild, a stepparent, a stepbrother,
a stepsister, a niece, a nephew, an adoptive parent, a grandparent, a sibling, an aunt, an uncle, or a legal guardian. Again, if you are to be
paid by the county for providing care, first you must be Legally Non-Licensed. To learn more about Legally Non-Licensed child care, please
contact MAHUBE-OTWA at 218-632-3600,
or visit the MAHUBE-OTWA website.
Licensed Child Care
Becker County partners with Sourcewell for all family child care licensing services. Find licensing information and forms on the
Sourcewell website. Are you
interested in becoming licensed? Learn more and start the process by contacting a regional licensing specialist at
Starting/Growing Your Own Child Care Program
Thinking about starting a child care program? How about growing your existing program? If so, Child Care Wayfinder is your one-stop navigation
network for starting and growning child care programs. The network is staffed by local navigators to help people in their communities create, sustain, and
expand licensed family child care and center-based programs by offering encouragement, support, and connection to the many resources available for child care programs.
For more information please visit Child Care Wayfinder.