Adult Services

Adult Protectve Services

Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC) provides a toll free number, 1-844-880-1574 for the general public to report suspected maltreatment of a vulnerable adult 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

All reports of suspected maltreatment received by MAARC are referred to the agencies responsible to respond. The agency responsible depends on the relationship between the vulnerable adult and the person alleged responsible.

Becker County Human Services responds to reports from MAARC.

When MAARC refers reports of maltreatment to Becker County for screening, our staff utilize the Adult Protection Manual, Minnesota Statutes, and county Prioritization Guidelines to determine whether a report will be investigated.

  • How we determine which reports will be investigated...

    Becker County Prioritization Guidelines

    If a report contains any of the following, we will open an investigation and provide immediate services due to imminent danger or risk of serious harm to a vulnerable adult.

    1. The vulnerable adult has no food and no access or resources to obtain food.
    2. The vulnerable adult has a dangerous level of exposure to extreme temperatures.
    3. The vulnerable adult needs immediate medical care, without access or resources to obtain it.
    4. The vulnerable adult is dependent on others, unable to provide one's own care, and is suddenly without a caregiver.
    5. Physical or sexual abuse is reported, and the vulnerable adult is reported to have observable injuries.

    When a report contains allegations of a collective loss of $500.00 or more in financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult, we could open an investigation. Losses that do not result in deprivation of necessary food, clothing, shelter or healthcare for the vulnerable adult may be screened out.

    When we receive a report involving allegations of abuse between two vulnerable adults we will not open an investigation unless there is an allegation of serious harm or a real benefit can be anticipated due to our involvement.

    Allegations against guardians appointed through the jurisdiction of White Earth Tribal Nation are referred to the Tribal Council Social Worker.

    We do not investigate reports involving the death of a vulnerable adult if the allegation is self-neglect.

    When we receive reports of self-neglect against vulnerable adults, and the person has a case manager, we do not investigate. We discuss the report and service needs with the case manager. The case manager may authorize additional supports or enlist the help of the person and the support team to meet needs of the vulnerable adult.

Developmental Disabilities

This program provides services to developmentally disabled children and adults to promote self sufficiency, independence and community integration with services provided in the least restrictive setting.

Services are based on needs and preferences of the consumer and provide opportunities for development and exercise of age appropriate skills, decision-making and choice, personal advocacy and communication. Services include residential services, sheltered employment, independent living skills training, respite care and information and referral. Case management services are provided to assist in assessing individuals' needs, to arrange for services, to develop case plans and monitor outcomes.

To request services or receive additional information:

Call 218-847-5628 and ask for 'Adult Intake'