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Property Taxes, Values and Rates
The County Auditor-Treasurer calculates rates and prepares tax information, tax statements and "Truth in Taxation"
notices. He or she also:
- Bills for and collects all property taxes and county special assessments.
- Keeps records of all taxing district levies (town, cities, schools, etc), tax collections and unpaid taxes.
- Places delinquent property tax parcels into judgment, administers forfeiture proceedings and sales, and uses
revenue recapture as a collection method, according to statute.
- Monitors tax increment finance compliance.
Auditor-Treasurer Property Tax Information:
Parcel & Tax RecordsSearch for and view parcel information such as taxes, assessments, building and land features, etc. System also links to the online GIS mapping system.
Pay Your Property Taxes Online or by Phone
Additional fees are applied to tax payments made via e-check or debit/credit cards when using this service.
Please note the following to insure accuracy:
- Bill Number: Five digits, not including the beginning zero (located on the first half & second half payment stub)
- Parcel/property ID number: All nine digits (do not include decimal points) Ex. 01.0001.000 enter as 010001000
- Jurisdiction code to identify Becker County is 3308