Intoxicating Liquor Licenses

The Auditor-Treasurer issues County liquor licenses through the Minnesota Liquor Control Commission and issues other miscellaneous licenses. For more information or questions regarding licenses, please send an email to or call the Auditor-Treasurer's Office at 218-846-7311.

Under Minnesota Statute 340A.404-406, anyone who engages in the sale of intoxicating alcohol within Becker County is required to first obtain a license.

Anyone who does not hold an on sale intoxicating liquor license is required to obtain a permit to directly or indirectly allow the consumption and display (set up) of alcoholic beverages.

Establishments within city limits

Establishments within city limits must submit applications to the municipal clerk.

Establishments outside city limits

Establishments outside the city limits for intoxicating liquor licenses, must submit application to Becker County.


Intoxicating Liquor License:
On-sale $1,500
On-sale Sunday $100
Off-sale $500
On-Sale and Off-Sale Including Sunday $2,100
On-sale 2 a.m. Closing  Fee info...
  • $300 - Up to $100,000 in on-sale gross receipts for alcoholic beverages
  • $750 - Over $100,000, but not over $500,000 in on-sale gross receipts for alcoholic beverages
  • $1,000 - Over $500,000 in on-sale gross receipts for alcoholic beverages
  • $200 - 3.2% on-sale malt liquor licensees
  • $200 - Did not sell alcoholic beverages for a full 12 months prior to this application
Temporary License 1-4 Day $50
Wine & Strong Beer $200
Club On-sale $200
Seasonal On-sale $200
3.2% Beer License:
3.2% Malt Beverage On-Sale $100
3.2% Malt Beverage Off-Sale $60
3.2% Malt Beverage On/Off-Sale $125
Temporary License 1-4 Day 3.2 On-Sale $20

County ordinance information

For more information, please see: