Victim Information

Amanda Jimenez - Victim Service Coordinator
Phone: 218-844-1610

In criminal law, a victim of a crime is an identifiable person who has been harmed individually and directly by another's criminal activity. There are crimes of different natures, which can result in unique issues for victims. There are a number of resources available to assist victims of crime to navigate their way through the criminal justice system. Some of those resources are listed in the "Related External Links" menu in the left column of the page.


Restitution is the money a judge orders the offender to pay to the victim(s) to compensate for damages related to a crime. Restitution is part of the offender's sentence and can be ordered in both adult and juvenile cases following a conviction or a plea of guilty.

The amount of restitution ordered by the judge depends on the victim's expenses related to the crime and the offender's ability to pay. The expenses might include: medical/dental expenses, lost wages due to the crime, or stolen or damaged property.

If you are the victim of a crime that has been prosecuted, you may be contacted by law enforcement, the Becker County Attorney's Office, or the Department of Corrections to complete a Restitution Affidavit to request compensation for your losses. The Request for Restitution and Affidavit by Crime Victim form is provided below: