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Brian W. McDonald - County Attorney

Brian W. McDonald
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Becker County Attorney's Office is to enhance public safety by aggressively and fairly
prosecuting those who violate the law; to provide quality legal representation to county government; and to
steadfastly protect the rights of crime victims and advocate the cause of justice.
The County Attorney serves as the chief prosecutor of all adult felony crimes and juvenile offenses in Becker
County. The County Attorney is also responsible for providing legal counsel to the County Board of Commissioners
and all county departments, as well as representing the county in civil lawsuits, child support matters, child
protection actions and mental health commitments.
In order to perform required duties, the Becker County Attorney has an experienced staff of assistant county
attorneys, legal assistants, and a crime victim/witness coordinator. The County Attorney and staff are not permitted
to represent, or provide legal advice to, private citizens.
First Assistant County Attorney
Holly A. Danielson
Assistant Becker County Attorneys
Jessica L. Johnsrud
Adam C. Brenna
Fallon M. Anderson
Devin J. Johnson
County Attorneys are not investigators and do not investigate crimes. All complaints of criminal activity need
to be reported to law enforcement officers, who then gather the evidence and, when appropriate, submit the case to
the prosecutor for review and a charging decision.