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Carrie Smith - County Administrator

Carrie Smith
The County Administrator is appointed by the Board of Commissioners and serves as the CEO of the county.
The position is responsible for both the executive and operational components of the County's organization.
It is the mission of this office to provide information and make recommendations to the County Board on policy
development and direction.
The overall administration coordination and management of County function, as directed by the County Board,
includes the following:
- Directs the coordination of the annual budget, to include continuous review of the expenditures during the year.
- Serves as clerk to the County Board and provides input and recommendations at their meetings.
- Manages all department heads and works closely with elected officials. Providing overall direction, coordination and evaluation of these units.
- Represents the County Board at meetings of local, state and regional committees and organizations.
- Coordinates state and federal legislation pertaining to County government.
- Presents options to the Board for their consideration.
- Coordinates long-term planning.
- Administrates a number of projects as delegated, assigned or desired by the Becker County Board.