Data Requests

The Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13) presumes that all government data are public unless a state or federal law says the data are not public. Government data is a term that means all data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated by any government entity regardless of its physical form, storage media or conditions of use.

You have the right to look at (inspect) all public data that we keep at no charge. You also have the right to get copies of public data. The Government Data Practices Act allows us to charge for copies (see fees below). We may need to review the data first to make sure you do not get access to private data about someone else or confidential information.

Data Request and Electronic/Paper Copy Charges

List of fees for data requests and electronic files.
Item Fee
Search, Retrieval & Data Compiling; No charge for separating public data from non-public data or for retrieving data when request is made by the data subject. $25.00/hour
CD $1.00/each
USB $8.00/stick
Fax $2.50/first page
$0.50/add'l page
Mailing Documents Actual cost
Photocopies - ledger size $1.14/page (B/W)
$2.28/page (Color)
Photocopies - legal size $0.38/page (B/W)
$0.78/page (Color)
Photocopies - letter size $0.38/page (B/W)
$0.78/page (Color)

Please review the 'Data Request Guide' below for more information about making a request to access government data at Becker County. The official 'Data Request Form' is also available below, as well as the 'Consent to Release Private Data' form (if applicable).